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Equine Veterinary Services
About Us


Our goal is to provide you, and your horse, with high quality medical care and personalized attention.


Full Care Hospital Farm/Barn Calls
Offering 24-hour equine care. Our veterinarians are available for mobile visits to your barn/facility on a regular basis.
Wellness Programs/General Equine Health Emergency Ambulatory Services
Preventive health care programs for all age equines including Electronic Coggins services. Emergency evaluation, care and treatment for horses.
Extensive Lameness Exams Pre-Purchase Evaluations & Insurance Exams
Tailored to each animal's needs in an effort to locate even the most subtle lameness. Exams are customized to fit each prospective buyer's needs and each individual horse.
IRAP Therapy Sports Medicine Treatment & Rehabilitation
IRAP Therapy at EVS offers a regenerative response to inflammation within joints and can offer an alternative management tool for the equine athlete. Medical and rehabilitation programs created for the event and competition horse, including arthritis management, are a key element to our practice.
Performance Dentistry In-House Laboratory
At EVS, we care for and float each individual horse's teeth according to their specific needs. We offer in-house laboratory services including CBC and serum chemistry profiles.
Endoscopic Services Digital Radiology
The use of a 3-meter state-of-the-art fiber optic endoscope. The use of optic endoscope allows for the evaluation of upper airway problems, pharynx issues and stomach ulcers. We offer the latest in computerized digital radiology, providing clients with the clearest technology in equine digital radiographic imaging available.
Ultrasonic Services Breeding Farm Services
We use ultrasound machines for diagnosis of a variety of conditions including lameness and abdominal diseases as well as routinely use the ultrasound for the evaluation of reproductive cycles and pregnancy in the broodmare. EVS is a full service breeding farm offering reproductive services including fertility exams, semen evaluation, collection, shipping and freezing services as well as embryo transfer and flushing programs.
Shockwave Therapy Ophthalmology Care
We offer non-invasive ProPulse Shockwave Therapy for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions such as bowed tendons, suspensory ligaments, stress fractures, sore backs and more. We offer routine and complex diagnostics for the equine eyeball and orbit including care for a variety of ocular disorders.
Regenerative Medicine
We offer some of the latest and most progressive therapies for competitive horses of all disciplines.

Equine Veterinary Services
Raising the Standard in Equine Health

Kenton H. Arnold, DVM
Mary-Birdsong Gabriel, DVM
Jennifer Wickline, DVM
505 W. British Flying School Blvd. (FM 2578)
Terrell, Texas 75160
Clinic - 972.524.7075
Emergency - 214.794.4832
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